Biden’s Own Advisors Leak Disturbing Information on His Mental Decline to New York Times

Biden's Own Advisor Leak Disturbing Information on His Mental Decline to New York Times

Those from within Joe Biden‘s own camp have leaked damning information on the severity of the president’s mental lapses and overall health to The New York Times.

Insiders told the paper that Biden has appeared “confused or lifeless, or would lose the thread of conversations” and often has expressions of “blank-stared confusion.”

It also adds that “in interviews, people in the room with him more recently said that the lapses seemed to be growing more frequent, more pronounced, and more worrisome.”

“The uncomfortable occurrences were not predictable, but seemed more likely when he was in a large crowd or tired after a particularly bruising schedule,” the article continues.

The piece also highlights the Juneteenth event, during which Biden appeared to freeze and stare into space like a toddler.

One person who sat close to the president said that he had a “dazed and confused” expression during much of the event.


“This person said Mr. Biden had shown a ‘sharp decline’ since a meeting only weeks earlier,” it adds.

According to another insider, the prepping for Biden’s debate against Donald Trump included having naps in the afternoon.

“The preparations, which took place over six days, never started before 11 a.m. and Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day, according to a person familiar with the process,” the report states.

The leaks come as calls for Biden to step aside continue to mount, as his mental decline is laid bare for voters to see for themselves.

Biden blamed his dreadful performance on international travel and jet lag despite being pampered in Camp David nearly two weeks before the debate.

The president also admitted he “nearly fell asleep on stage” after failing to listen to aides who advised him to rest more.

After almost four years of Conservative news outlets calling out Biden’s dementia, the establishment media are mysteriously catching up.

READ: KJP Snaps When Reporter Asks If Biden’s ‘Disabled:’ ‘You Know Better! Come On!’

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