Al Gore Declares War on Fossil Fuels: The Atmosphere Is Becoming an “Open Sewer”

Al Gore Declares War on Fossil Fuels The Atmosphere Is Becoming an Open Sewer

Climate change alarmist Al Gore to aim at the fossil fuels this week, claiming that oil and gas companies of “using the atmosphere as an open sewer.”

Over recent years, Gore’s climate rants have grown more unhinged.

This week, the climate doomsayer claimed fossil fuel companies are “digging and drilling and pumping up the fossilized remains of dead animals and plants and burning them in ways that use the atmosphere as an open sewer, threatening the future of humanity.”

Gore laid the blame squarely on the selfish interests of fuel companies rather than acknowledging the growing scientific challenges to the so-called climate emergency.

According to Al Gore, fossil fuels companies “have portrayed themselves as the source of trusted advice that we need to solve this crisis” but are responding to “powerful incentives” to keep the need for fossil fuels alive.

Gore said it was now clear fossil fuel companies were not “sincere in saying that they wanted to be a meaningful part of bringing solutions to this crisis.”

“Fossil fuel industry speaks with forked tongue,” he added.

The climate alarmists said the fossil fuel industry has been engaging in “massive fraud” for decades, accusing them of infiltrating the political process.

It is important to note that Gore said in 2006 that unless drastic measures were implemented, the earth would hit an irreversible “point of no return” by 2016.

That didn’t happen, and 2016 came and went.

In 2008, Gore said, “The entire North polar ice cap may well be completely gone in five years.”

That was also proven false.

More recently, Gore claimed at the World Economic Forum (WEF) event in Davos that greenhouse gas pollution was “boiling the oceans,” causing “rain bombs, and bringing in “a billion” climate refugees,

Gore added that we still put 162 million tons of greenhouse gas “pollution” into the atmosphere daily.

“That’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land and creating the droughts, and melting the ice and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees, predicted to reach one billion in this century,” Gore said.

Meanwhile, less insane voices have begun to emerge from the scientific world, with August’s World Climate Declaration, which denied the so-called “climate emergency.”

The Declaration, made up of 1,600 signatories, including two Nobel Prize winners, said climate models have proven inadequate for predicting global warming, adding that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant, and climate change has not increased natural disasters.

“The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases,” the Declaration states.

“The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.”

The world has warmed “significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing,” the text reads, and the gap between the real world and the modeled world “tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.”

Meanwhile, other climate alarmists began to issue warnings.

Earlier this month, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that the “breakdown” of the climate “has begun.”

Guterres’s remarks just weeks after declaring, “The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived.”

Citing the EU monitoring body, which said 2023 was likely the hottest year ever recorded, Guterres said the findings supported his claim.

Scientists used proxy data such as tree rings and ice cores to compare modern temperatures with figures before records began in the mid-19th century.

“The dog days of summer are not just barking; they are biting,” the UN socialist said in a statement, adding, “Climate breakdown has begun.”

UN Chief Guterres said humans are to blame for climate change.

“Scientists have long warned what our fossil fuel addiction will unleash. Our climate is imploding faster than we can cope, with extreme weather events hitting every corner of the planet,” he said.

“Surging temperatures demand a surge in action. Leaders must turn up the heat now for climate solutions.”

READ: America’s Wealthy Elites Responsible for 40% of Emissions While Lecturing Everyone on Climate Change

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